The Moon Really IS Made of Cheese

The Moon Really IS Made of Cheese

When we say ‘the Moon’ we don’t mean OUR moon but another in our solar system. Researchers in the U.S. have got a close look at what they’re calling ‘the weirdest moon in the solar system’

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Why are mathematicians so interested in prime numbers?

Why are mathematicians so interested in prime numbers?

Why are mathematicians so interested in prime numbers? Well it turns out that Prime numbers are the building blocks of all numbers greater than 1. That is, every number is either itself a prime, such as 2,17,53 or 673, or is the product of primes …

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Sniffing out Trouble – Analysing the composition of almost any surface

Sniffing out Trouble – Analysing the composition of almost any surface

Scientists in Zurich, Switzerland have up with a sensitive new way to analyse the composition of almost any surface, including human skin by blowing a stream of nitrogen across the surface under analysis and collect the gas together with any debris that it dislodges. The material is then fed into a mass spectrometer that can pick apart the chemical composition of anything present on the surface.

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Will deforestation eventually cause us to run out of  oxygen?

Will deforestation eventually cause us to run out of oxygen?

Environmentalists are fond of calling the world’s forests in general, and the Amazon in particular, “the lungs of our planet”, the implication being that unless we stop deforestation, we’re all going to be gasping for breath. But is this true?

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What Makes Animals Hibernate?

What Makes Animals Hibernate?

Imagine being able to trigger hibernation in humans to reduce tissue damage caused by strokes, heart attacks and surgery. Well Japanese researchers have uncovered the chemical switch that controls an animal’s hibernation pattern.

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Want to Study Volcanoes – Then look at art work

Want to Study Volcanoes – Then look at art work

Vulcanologists have always found it difficult to find sources of evidence to examine to trace the history of volcanic eruptions on Earth and their effect on the climate. However scientists have recently hit upon a rather unusual new source – by studying paintings.

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Why do men have nipples?

Why do men have nipples?

Why do men have nipples? – In a Nutshell : Men have nipples because women do.

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Can Animals Really Sense an Impending Earthquake?

Can Animals Really Sense an Impending Earthquake?

There’s no real hard proof that animals can detect earthquakes or other seismic events. HOWEVER there is enough other evidence to warrant a serious discussion and debate on the issue. We look here at some intriguing observations and some basic research that has been done.

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Why is there a dark side of the moon?

Why is there a dark side of the moon?

Why is there a dark side of the moon?

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Why Can’t We Photosynthesise?

Why Can’t We Photosynthesise?

It would be handy wouldn’t it – photosynthesising all our food rather than having to stop to eat three times a day – so why can’t we do it ?

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Why Can’t We Travel Faster than the Speed of Light

Why Can’t We Travel Faster than the Speed of Light

Why Can’t We Travel Faster than the Speed of Light? – This might be news to some of you but if you’re familiar with Einsteins theory of relativity, and that most famous of equations E=mc2, you’ll understand the limitations imposed by the equation. But exactly why should it be like this ?

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Is it possible to clone a Dinosaur like in Jurassic Park ?

Is it possible to clone a Dinosaur like in Jurassic Park ?

The film “Jurassic Park” introduced a very interesting concept regarding the possibility of cloning a long dead species from preserved DNA – in this case dinosaurs. Sounds plausible – but is it ?

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How does soap work?

How does soap work?

A bar of soap is a chemical miracle – a little scented block that unleashes molecular forces when dunked in water. In this article we look how this little miracle actually works.

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How do chameleons camouflage themselves?

How do chameleons camouflage themselves?

Chameleons camouflage themselves in a variety of different ways but most famously by changing the colour and pattern of their skin.

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Is there a Place in our Brains where Consciousness exists ?

Is there a Place in our Brains where Consciousness exists ?

“We no longer have to wonder what self-awareness looks like – we can see it for ourselves” : A bold statement indeed. What we’re referring to here though is that scientists now believe that they can trace where they think conscientiousness physically sits in the brain

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