Can We Tell What the Lifespan of a Dinosaur was ?

Can We Tell What the Lifespan of a Dinosaur was ?

The problem with dinosaurs is that they lived a very long time ago- between 250 million and 65 million years ago – But is possible to tell what the lifespan of a Dinosaur might have been ?

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Why Were Some Dinosaurs so Large ?

Why Were Some Dinosaurs so Large ?

From the fossil evidence, it’s clear that, species by species, individual by individual, dinosaurs were more massive than any other group of animals that has ever lived on land. It’s as if today’s laws of physics didn’t apply back then allowing them to grow to such a gigantic size. So what could possibly explain this ?

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What Colour Were Dinosaurs?

What Colour Were Dinosaurs?

Until recently, we knew nothing of the skin of dinosaurs. Depiction of their colour was left to the imagination of illustrators. In 2009, however, that all changed when remnants of skin and ‘proto-feathers’ , actually hairlike filaments—sometimes called dino fuzz, were found on some dinosaur remains in China.

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Were the Dinosaurs Cold-Blooded like all today’s Reptiles ?

Were the Dinosaurs Cold-Blooded like all today’s Reptiles ?

The problem with dinosaurs is that they lived a very long time ago- between 250 million and 65 million years ago – and the vast majority of our knowledge of them is based on fossilized bones and skeletons, which are all that have survived the ravages of time. So can we tell if dinosaurs were warm or cold-blooded ?

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Could Huge Dinosaurs Really Sustain Themselves on a Veggie Diet?

Could Huge Dinosaurs Really Sustain Themselves on a Veggie Diet?

On the face of it there seems little hope of working out precisely how a 75ft long, 50 ton Brachiosaur fed itself. However it is possible to make a few guesstimates, by assuming the present laws of physics and chemistry applied 65 million years ago.

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Out of Africa : Did an Exploding Star Alter Human Evolution

Out of Africa : Did an Exploding Star Alter Human Evolution

A team of German scientists examining material from the seabed beneath the Pacific Ocean believe that they may have uncovered explosive evidence of an event that altered the evolution of humankind.

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Is it possible to tell the sex of a Dinosaur?

Is it possible to tell the sex of a Dinosaur?

They’ve all been dead for at least 65 million years, so just finding a dinosaur can seem like a minor miracle. But if you do manage to find one is it possible to tell it’s sex ?

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Is it possible to clone a Dinosaur like in Jurassic Park ?

Is it possible to clone a Dinosaur like in Jurassic Park ?

The film “Jurassic Park” introduced a very interesting concept regarding the possibility of cloning a long dead species from preserved DNA – in this case dinosaurs. Sounds plausible – but is it ?

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Why did the Neanderthals die out ?

Why did the Neanderthals die out ?

The archaeological evidence revealed that the earliest Neanderthals had lived in Europe about 200,000 years ago. But then, about 30,000 years ago, they disappeared… just at the time when the first modern humans appear in Europe. The question is Why ?

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How are fossils formed?

How are fossils formed?

When animals, plants and other organisms die, they typically decay completely. But sometimes, when the conditions are just right, they’re preserved as fossils. In this article we take a look at how that process occurs.

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How long has Antarctica been frozen over ?

How long has Antarctica been frozen over ?

Almost a century ago, the expeditions of both Robert Scott and Ernest Shackleton found evidence, in the form of fossil ferns and coal, that Antartica has not always been a frozen wilderness. So what is it’s history ?

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Why did the Dinosaurs die out?

Why did the Dinosaurs die out?

Asking ‘Why did the dinosaurs die out?’, most people would say that it was a vast meteorite that hit the earth wiping out much of the animal and plant life. Whilst undoubtedly this was a major contributing factor it is only part of the reason.

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Argentinosaurus – Largest of the Large

Argentinosaurus – Largest of the Large

One might have thought that asking “What was the largest Dinosaur ?” would be a simple enough question. However it turns out to be a lot harder than you might think. In this article we look at a few contenders.

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Are We Still Evolving ?

Are We Still Evolving ?

Have our technological, biological and medical advancements to date put us out of reach of evolutions effects, or at least reduced their impact ? In this article we consider just a few of some of the ideas floating around at the moment.

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