Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics

Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics

One of the most prolific, and best in my opinion, science fiction writers, Isaac Asimov, is synonymous for his future histories of the human race and their interactions with robots. Rather than fear them he seems to suggest we embrace them as members of our society. In the first of his ‘Robot Novels’ he even goes so far as to suggest 3 Laws that should be hard wired into these Artificial Intelligence automatons.

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Why Can’t We Travel Faster than the Speed of Light

Why Can’t We Travel Faster than the Speed of Light

Why Can’t We Travel Faster than the Speed of Light? – This might be news to some of you but if you’re familiar with Einsteins theory of relativity, and that most famous of equations E=mc2, you’ll understand the limitations imposed by the equation. But exactly why should it be like this ?

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