Why do we say Ping-Pong not Pong-Ping, Zig-Zag not Zag-Zig or Flip-Flops and not Flop-Flips?
Today we might use the term ‘ding-dong’ for the sound of a bell or maybe an argument. We’d never of course use ‘dong-ding’ just as we can never ‘dally-dilly’ or ‘shally-shilly’ or even have a ‘song-sing’. Nor would we ever walk in a ‘zag-zig’ whilst wearing ‘flop-flips’ But why ?
The Bible – A Timeline of Key Events
Whether you agree with its message or not there is no denying that the Christian (and Hebrew) Bible has fundamentally shaped the world we live in today. And yet there is still much ignorance in general society as to what it is saying or the key events it covers. Getting a handle of the dates of the events covered can be difficult so in this article we look (briefly) at some of the key events and put a date to them.
Some Chaucer Factlets
If you thought that Geoffrey Chaucer was only a middle English poet and writer then we have some Chaucerian faclets to show that he was this, and a lot more.
Wordsmith – Test your Guernsey French
Guernsey French is theoretically the mother tongue of our island home, Guernsey. However it is dying out rapidly. So how many of these Guernsey French words do you know (or can guess)? Improve and test your Patois wordpower by matching each of the words below to one of the multiple possible definitions.
How Did Different Human Skin Colours Come About ?
Skin colour is the result from the presence of a pigment called melanin, located in the epidermis, or outer skin layer, and produced by cells called melanocytes. But why would there be such a variety in Human Skin Colour ?
The History of Shrove Tuesday
Modern Britain is a very secular society but there are many traditions that people still partake in that have a very religious significance without people really realising. Take for example ‘Shrove Tuesday’ – what exactly is the “shroving” bit about and why the obsession with pancakes on that day ?
How Do Satellites Always Stay in the Same Place in the Sky?
“How Do Satelites Always Stay in the Same Place in the Sky?” – In fact not all satellites do – only the ones called geosynchronous.
What was the Braye du Valle Like before it was Reclaimed?
Before 1806 Guernsey was separated at high tide into 2 islands by a channel running across the island from the Vale church to modern day St. Sampson’s harbour. But what was it like before it was filled in ?
If we can’t see a Black Hole, How do we know they exist?
A black hole is perhaps one of the strangest objects in our universe. It is in fact the remains of a massive dead star that has run out of fuel and collapsed. But how do we know it’s there ?
Go Tell it to the Bees
You may have heard of the old expression – “Go tell it to the bees” – but what exactly does it mean and what is it that should we be telling them anyway ? In this article we look at the folklore behind this unusual expression.