An Alternative to Christmas Pud – Panettone Pudding

Panettone Bread and Butter Pudding

If you’d like to make an alternative to Christmas pud, or maybe you don’t even like Christmas pudding at all, then why not make this panettone bread and butter pudding in its stead?

Prep Time : 10 minutes
Cook Time : 20 mins
Total Time : 30 mins
Serves : 6


  • 750g unsalted butter
  • 1.5L milk
  • 900 ml cream (35% fat)
  • 3 vanilla pods
  • 12 eggs
  • 360g caster sugar
  • 3 kg Panettone
  • Icing sugar (optional)


  1. Carefully open the vanilla pod in the middle and scrape the vanilla seeds off. Mix the milk and cream and add the vanilla pod and the vanilla seeds to the mixture. Bring it to boil.
  2. Whisk the eggs and sugar together and pour it in the boiling mixture, whisking it non-stop. Leave it to cool.
  3. Slice the panettone, 3cm thick. Spread the butter onto the panettone, cut it in 3cm squares (they will look like little squares of butter).
  4. Before placing the squares of panettone in the ramekins, soak them in the liquid mixture.
  5. Pile the squares up in a oven dish (remember that the whole thing shrinks once cooked) and top it up with the liquid mixture, to fill in the gaps.
  6. Cook it in a bain marie in the oven, 160-180C until it sets (8 min). Leave it to cool.

Author: Robert

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