Inside the Mind : Not Everyone Has An Internal Monologue!

Inside the Mind : Not Everyone Has An Internal Monologue!

I remember asking a friend once about how he thought about things. I’d asked if he heard his own voice in his head when he thought about things or when reading. He looked at me blankly and said “Err I don’t hear anything”. So do we all have an inner monologue if not how do some people think ?

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One Giant Leap for Mankind : The Evolution of our ability to Speak

One Giant Leap for Mankind : The Evolution of our ability to Speak

If there’s one thing that has helped propel out species forward it must surely be the ability to speak. This relative revolution in evolutionary terms has allowed us to collaborate, co-ordinate, innovate, share ideas and express abstract concepts. But how did this come about ?

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What’s The Best Time to Post a Selfie (or anything else) on Facebook

What’s The Best Time to Post a Selfie (or anything else) on Facebook

So, when is the best time to post something on Facebook? If you’re looking for a response, then don’t go for a lazy Sunday. Figures suggest that weekday posts are best between 12 and 3pm.

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What Makes us Right-Handed or Left-Handed?

What Makes us Right-Handed or Left-Handed?

In a Nutshell – Researchers say it is in the genes.

It’s the same reason some people are brown-eyed and some are blue-eyed. The Human Genome Project tends to support the theory that a single gene is responsible for handedness

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When an animal looks in a mirror, does it realise that it is looking at itself?

When an animal looks in a mirror, does it realise that it is looking at itself?

When an animal looks in a mirror, does it realise that it is looking at itself? – this is really a question of self-awareness. So if any animals, apart from ourselves, do actually know this we then have to ask – Which, if any, animals successfully make this connection?

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Why When You Walk Into a Room You Often Forget What You Went in For ?

Why When You Walk Into a Room You Often Forget What You Went in For ?

We’ve all experienced it: The frustration of entering a room and forgetting what we were going to do. Or get. Or find. But why should that happen ?

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Aroma Chemistry : What Causes the Smell of Old & New Books?

Aroma Chemistry : What Causes the Smell of Old & New Books?

Are you a Bibliophile, someone who loves books? If you are you’ll know the joy of buying, collecting, owning, (smelling?), touching and of course reading these textual marvels. As a bibliophime, is one of your favourite pecadillos the scent of a new book or the musky thrill of an old books smell? In this article we look at the chemistry behind that guilty little pleasure otherwise known as Bibliosmia.

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Does any other Animal ‘Speak’ or Communicate like Humans?

Does any other Animal ‘Speak’ or Communicate like Humans?

Chimpanzees share about 99% of our DNA, making them our closest living relatives, so the questions might be better re-phrased as “Can chimps speak?”

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How Do Ants Tell Friend from Foe?

How Do Ants Tell Friend from Foe?

Ants can form colonies that range in size from a few dozen predatory individuals living in small natural cavities to highly organised colonies that may occupy large territories and consist of millions of individuals. They clearly work together in a highly organised way – but how do they communicate – how would they tell freind from foe?

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Why do we Lie – The Science behind Lying

Why do we Lie – The Science behind Lying

White lies, exaggerations, boldface lies, half-truths, lies by omission, bluffs – there are a multitude of ways to intentionally deceive someone and the human race seem sto be inventing new ones daily. But can we scientifically detect when a person is lying ?

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Extra Senses – Beyond the ‘traditional five’

Extra Senses – Beyond the ‘traditional five’

There’s one popular misteaching that seems to pervade : it’s our understanding of ‘the senses’ – and that is that there are only 5 of them. However if you really think about this subject a bit, its pretty obvious and quickly apparent that we have many more ways to sense the world

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Swearing – The Science Behind Why We Do it

Swearing – The Science Behind Why We Do it

Why the #*&! do we swear? We all let one slip occasionally-or maybe you express your expletives loud and proud. But does swearing serve any biological purpose, or is it simply a cultural taboo?

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Take Control of Your Dreams for Real : Lucid Dreaming

Take Control of Your Dreams for Real : Lucid Dreaming

No this isn’t one of those infomercials or self-help articles saying “you too can achieve your dreams & life goals if you follow our 10 step programme … blah blah blah”. This is about lucid dreaming – the ability to conciously control your dreams whilst you sleep.

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Why Does Time Seem to Go Faster as We Get Older ?

Why Does Time Seem to Go Faster as We Get Older ?

As you get older does it sometimes feel that time is passing much more quickly than when you were younger? Why does our perception of time change so drastically with age? And is there anything we can do about it?

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What is Love ? (Scientifically Speaking)

What is Love ? (Scientifically Speaking)

What is Love ? : A very deep and involved question. However in this article we will restrict ourself to the scientific point of view. What is going on in our bodies, and brains when we fall in love or see the object of our inner most desires.

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