Guernsey Quiz – How Well Do you know the Bailiwick ?
How would you rate your knowledge of our dear old Sarnia Cherie ? Are you a ‘Bailiwick Brainiac‘ or a ‘Channel Island Chump‘ when it comes to an appreciation of the history and culture of THE best Channel Island ?
Test your knowledge with 25 questions we’ve prepared to tempt & tease out those nuggets of information that we’re sure you will have squirrelled away somewhere in the recesses of your brain. And if not, and it’s all new to you, then, hey – “Every day is a school day” as they say 🙂
Enjoy !
Roll over a question to reveal its answer.
(2) What action did the men of the 104th Regiment take in 1783?
(3) About 30,000 of what went from Castle Cornet to St Peter Port during the English Civil War?
(4) What epidemic occurred in 1695,1705 and 1731?
(5) Sausmarez Manor is in what parish?
(6) What is the name for tourists in Guernsey?
(7) Why did the Parish church of Forest have two entrances?
(9) Guernsey cows produce milk with a high content of what?
(11) Who presides over The States?
(13) Which two Channel Islands are not permanently inhabited?
(14) The Royal Court is featured on which Guernsey bank note?
(15) In 1962 what traffic regulator began In Guernsey?
(16) What remains are submerged in the waters of Vazon Bay?
(18) What Guernsey newspaper became a daily in 1913?
(19) Where was Saint Sampson born?
(21) What is the full name of Guernsey’s daily newspaper?
(22) What is Rona Cole associated with? (A) A bookshop (B) An art Gallery or (C) Guernsey Gache?
(23) What name did Victor Hugo give his Guernsey home?
(24) What does the Yellow Cross in the Guernsey flag represent?