More Old Guernsey Proverbs and Sayings
Continuing on from our earlier article we published entitled ‘Old Guernsey Proverbs and Sayings‘ we present some more good ol’ Guernsey proverbs and sayings ! 😀
I’ ne faut pas faire le cottin (cabane, crêche) d’vànt que le viau seit naï. (Avant que le veau ne soit né)
One must not make the crib before the calf is born. Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
Apprins au ber (berceau), dure jusqu’au ver
What is learnt in the cradle goes with one to the grave-literally “to the worm”.
Nou (on) ne va pas au jàn (àjonc) sans ses gànts
No one goes to cut furze without gloves. If you would undertake an arduous matter, be well prepared for it.
N’faut pas faire lè cotin dèvant què lè viau set naï
One must not make the crib before the calf is bom
P’tit à p’tit lé mouissaon fait sa mid
Little by little the bird builds her nest
Ch’n’est pas Ôve (avec) du vinaigre que nous (on) attrâpe des mouques (mouches)
Flies are not caught with vinegar. Nothing is to be gained by roughness.
Qui pent volaïr (voler) ùn oeuf, pent volaïr ùn boeuf
He who would steal an egg would steal an ox. Be honest in the smallest matters
A p’tit pourche (pourceau) grosse pânais
The little pig gets the big parsnip. The youngest child is the most petted.
Qui paie s’acquitte; qui s’acquitte s’enrichit
He who pays his way keeps out of debt; he who keeps out of debt gets rich. No comment is needed on this thoroughly practical proverb.
Si nou (on) lli dounne un peis (pois) i’ prend une faïve
If you give him a pea, he’ll take a bean. Give him an inch, he’ll take a mile.
Ch’n’est pas Ôve (avec) du vinaigre que nous (on) attrâpe des mouques (mouches)
Flies are not caught with vinegar. Nothing is to be gained by roughness.
Mettre daeux guerbes (deux gerbes) en un llian (lien)
To bind up two sheaves with one wisp. To kill two birds with one stone.