The Ultimate Conspiracy Theory – The Phantom Time Hypothesis

The Ultimate Conspiracy Theory – The Phantom Time Hypothesis

Ok, hang on to your hats, this conspiracy theory must be the Daddy of them all – The Phantom Time Hypothesis. In a Nutshell (pun intended) According to the Phantom Time Hypothesis theory, the period between 614 ad and 911AD didn’t exist; the history normally attributed to that time is either a misinterpretation or a deliberate falsification of the evidence.  If this were true, Charlemagne (reigned 768-814) never existed and the...

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Was Hitler’s Life Spared in World War I by a British Soldier ?

Was Hitler’s Life Spared in World War I by a British Soldier ?

During the Great War Hitler claimed that he was wounded on the Western Front and recalled that a British soldier pointed his gun at him and then deliberately did not fire. But who was this mysterious British Soldier ?

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Did Richard the Lionheart really meet Robin Hood?

Did Richard the Lionheart really meet Robin Hood?

Most of us would like to think that Richard the Lionheart did in fact encounter history’s most famous outlaw, Robin Hood. So is there any chance that he ever did ?

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Urban Myths Debunked : Is it true that goldfish have a memory span of only 3 seconds?

Urban Myths Debunked : Is it true that goldfish have a memory span of only 3 seconds?

One of the most persistent of urban myths : Is it true that goldfish have a memory span of only 3 seconds?

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5 Myths About World War I Debunked

5 Myths About World War I Debunked

World War I was supposed to be the “war to end all wars”. It was the first ‘modern mechanised war’ and a lot of myths about it have been built up over the years often by revisionist historians using ‘hind-sight’. Some of these so called “facts” are blinding us to the reality and we are in danger of belittling the experience of soldiers and civilians in this conflict. In this article we look at some of the bigee “facts” that are just plain wrong.

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Some more historical myths debunked

Some more historical myths debunked

Every nation has its favourite tales from the past, but how accurate are they? A lot of what we ‘know’ to be historically true can sometimes turn out to be no more than a : Who perpetuated historical myth. We look at a few here. Who really was the 1st US President? Did Mediaeval people really think the Earth was flat ?

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Some Historical Myths Debunked

Some Historical Myths Debunked

Every nation has its favourite tales from the past, but how accurate are they? A lot of what we ‘know’ to be historically true can sometimes turn out to be no more than a perpetuated historical myth. We look at a few here. Did King Harold really die from an arrow in the eye? Did Slaves built the great pyramids in Eqypt ?

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