The First Cities
Thursday July 12 2007 was a seminal day (apparently). On that day the a United Nations report, that coincided with World Population Day, revealed that for the first time in history, more people were now living in cities than rural areas. But how did this come about ? In this artice we look at the key argricultural and technological developements needed for this to happen.
The Origins of the Modern Moggie
It may surprise you to know that the origin of the modern moggie, one of the mysteries of veterinary science, has only very recently been solved by researchers.
Unlocking the Secret of Egyptian Heiroglyphs – The Rosetta Stone
The Rosetta stone is one of the most valuable artefacts ever to have been found by archaeologists. It literally unlocked the secrets of the Ancient Egyptians. Up until its discovery their rich language, culture and beliefs were a complete mystery and one could only marvel at their accomplishments in art & architecture in a kind of mute awe.