How Did Different Human Skin Colours Come About ?
Skin colour is the result from the presence of a pigment called melanin, located in the epidermis, or outer skin layer, and produced by cells called melanocytes. But why would there be such a variety in Human Skin Colour ?
Why are Women (Generally) Smaller than Men?
This is one of those questions that until you ask it, you take the ‘answer’ for granted. So, Why are Women (Generally) Smaller than Men?
Why do men go bald?
There are 193 species of monkeys and apes in the world today, but only one of them is hairless: us ! The average person has around 100,000 hairs on his or her head, so why do some men go bald ?
Why did the Neanderthals die out ?
The archaeological evidence revealed that the earliest Neanderthals had lived in Europe about 200,000 years ago. But then, about 30,000 years ago, they disappeared… just at the time when the first modern humans appear in Europe. The question is Why ?
Why Do Humans Walk Upright ?
This is one of those mysteries that refuse to lie down (if you’ll pardon the pun). It’s also one of those questions where there’s much debate and no clear answer. However there are some good theories that are interesting to chew over.
What every body is saying … when bodies start talking
Whether you like it or not your body leaks information about you. Every day in every interaction your body posture and movements are transmitting information about your inner thoughts and feelings without you knowing it .. this is “body language”. The trick is can you consciously control it or even read other peoples ?
Why did we swap hunter-gathering for farms and villages ?
About 10,000 years ago mankind began to abandon hunter-gathering as a way of life for farms and village life. We would naturally assume because it was better, more efficient, healthier. However there are puzzling problems with these reasons.