The Zipper
The zipper is an indispensable little piece of technology that we’d be lost without. It was an out-of-the-blue invention. Nothing like it had ever existed before.
The Vacuum Cleaner
What was life like before the Vaccuum Cleaner .. unthinkable in todays obsession with ‘anti-septic’, germ free environments. It’s not actually been around that long … here’s how it came about …
Locks & Keys – How did they come about?
Locks and keys are an everyday part of our lives … how could we secure anything without them ? Here’s some background on their development.
Origins of the Tea bag
Tea is our national drink and without the tea bag preparing it would be a whole lot fiddlier. But how did this little invention come about ?
Pykrete – Aircraft Carriers made of Wood & Ice
Pykrete is a real substance made from wood chips and ice with strange and fantastical properties that were actually considered for use in building Royal Navy aircraft carriers during World War II.
The Fax Machine
Believe it or not, the fax machine was invented over 165 years ago ! In this article we look at how this irreplacable office tool came about.
Canned Food
We take food preserved in cans for granted today. But when and who invented the process ?
The Ball-point pen
A ball-point pen is often called a Biro, because the brothers Biro invented it.
The Printing Press – Taking the written word to the masses
Ideas that changed the World : The invention of printing & the printing press like many innovations evolved over time but there was one seminal moment when the printing press exploded on the scene and changed society forever.
The Safety Razor – A History
There was a time when men took their life in their hands when shaving. King Camp Gillette helped to change all that.
Charles Babbage – Computer Pioneer
Charles Babbage is widely regarded as the father of the computer. But without electricity what could an early 19th century computer possibly be like.
Chewing gum
Where, when and who invented Chewing gum ? Plus how did it become such a global phenomenon ?
Coca Cola – Who invented it and how did it grow to be so Ubiquitous?
Coca Cola is a ubiquitous and iconic symbol of the U.S. but when & who came up with it?
Who Invented Spectacles?
Spectacles … fashion item and indispensable ‘modern’ aid … but they’re far older than you think. Here we look at the origins of specs.