Did You Know … Guy Fawkes was not Executed for Masterminding the Gun Powder Plot
Did You Know … Guy Fawkes was not Executed for Masterminding the Gun Powder Plot
Were the Moon Landings Fake ? – Debunking The Conspiracy Theories
To have to be forced to even think about debunking this question is something of a sad indictment of our current zeitgeist. That said, the Moon Landing conspiracy, is one of those theories that seems to persist – so we’ll give it our best shot to explain the most pertinent objections that are often quoted as ‘proof’ that it was all fake, and nothing more than an attempt to humiliate the Russians and hoodwink the world in the cause of American glory.
Are Old Windows Thicker at the Base Because Glass Flows Like Syrup ?
This is one of those urban myths that refuses to die. The idea that glass is really a viscous liquid, so thick that it takes centuries for it to flow. But what is the truth ?
What is the Mozart Effect & How Much Can Babies Actually Hear Inside their Mother ?
There’s a popular belief that’s been around for a while that playing calssical music to a baby and even an unborn child will make them smarter. This is otherwise known as “The Mozart Effect”. So, this rather begs the question …. “Is there any truth in this?” and if so “How much can a baby actually hear inside their Mother’s womb?”
Are you an April Fool or April Wizard : Can You Spot the Fake from the Real ?
A lot of what we think we “know” to be true can sometimes turn out to be no more than clever fiction. In this article we’ve got a list of literary facts (or not) as the case may be. But can you tell the truth from the fiction ?
Urban Myth or Science Fact : Is it true that we typically only use 10% of our brain ?
Urban Myth or Science Fact : Is it true that we typically only use 10% of our brain ?
Blue Monday – Urban Myth or Science Fact ?
Blue Monday is the name given to the day in January, typically the 3rd Monday of the month, that it is claimed is the most depressing day of the year. So is this a real thing or not … Urban Myth or Science Fact?
Is it True that Eating Carrots Helps You See in the Dark?
This is one of those (potential) urban myths that refuse to die … “Do Carrots help you see in the dark ?” (or at the very least do they improve your eyesight?)
Do Eskimos Really have 80 Words for Snow ?
This is one of those urban myths that refuse to die … “Do Eskimos Really have 80 Words for Snow ?” So in this article we hope to answer it once and for all.
Why do Buses Come in Threes ?
Everybody knows that if you want to catch a bus, you spend ages waiting and then three will come at once. That at least is the urban myth which is popular enough to become the title of a book. According to mathematicians, however, it really is a myth. Buses don’t usually come in threes, they come in twos, and the reason why this is so can be found in this article.
Urban Myths Debunked : Is it true that goldfish have a memory span of only 3 seconds?
One of the most persistent of urban myths : Is it true that goldfish have a memory span of only 3 seconds?