Guernsey Cider Production – A History

Guernsey Cider Production – A History

NO GENUINE local food table could be considered complete without a bottle of cider. This delicious, and potent, brew was made in both of the larger Channel Islands but techniques were interestingly varied.

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Guernsey Ways – Vraicing

Guernsey Ways – Vraicing

Few island customs, except perhaps the Clameur de Haro, which survive today can claim as ancient a history as that of ” vraicing.”

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The First Cities

The First Cities

Thursday July 12 2007 was a seminal day (apparently). On that day the a United Nations report, that coincided with World Population Day, revealed that for the first time in history, more people were now living in cities than rural areas. But how did this come about ? In this artice we look at the key argricultural and technological developements needed for this to happen.

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How did Bread become a staple food in the West ?

How did Bread become a staple food in the West ?

Bread has not always been the staff of life, certainly not in the West. Today however bread & bread products are our staple foods. Life without it would be unthinkable. So how did our most basic and yummy of foods develop ?

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How did Farming Arrive in Europe ?

How did Farming Arrive in Europe ?

The first modern humans in Europe were hunter-gatherers who arrived around 40,000 years ago. But around 9,000 years ago the first farmers arrived. These farmers came from the Fertile Crescent in the Middle East – but how ?

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What Colour are Carrots ?

What Colour are Carrots ?

What colour are carrots ? … is this a joke? … orange of course ,even the pigment that gives it it’s orange colour is called beta-carotene. Hmmm you might not be so sure after you read this article.

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The Humble Potato – a History

The Humble Potato – a History

The potato’s story begins about 8,000 years ago near Lake Titicaca, in South America. In this article we look at how it became the one of most popular foodstuff in the world today.

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Why did we swap hunter-gathering for farms and villages ?

Why did we swap hunter-gathering for farms and villages ?

About 10,000 years ago mankind began to abandon hunter-gathering as a way of life for farms and village life. We would naturally assume because it was better, more efficient, healthier. However there are puzzling problems with these reasons.

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