How to Buy Your Own Country : The Biggest Real Estate Deal in History – Alaska
In August 2019 Newspapers started to report, what on the face of it seemed to be just another of President Trumps crazy rambling stream of consciousness ideas. He wanted to buy another country!
Why Are British Elections Always Held on Thursdays?
It’s a time-honoured tradition that Brits choose their MPs on a Thursday, which was last broken in 1978, where voters in Hamilton, Scotland, cast their ballots on Wednesday, May 31. The reason? The opening match of the 1978 World Cup was on Thursday, June 1. But why are British elections always held on Thursdays?
Why did Britain and France not declare war on the Soviet Union when the Red Army marched on Poland in September 1939?
During September 1939 both Germany and the Soviet Union invaded Poland. Both Britain and France had pledged to defend Poland. So why didn’t the allies declare war on the Soviet union as well as Germany?
The Communism Experiment – What if Lenin hadn’t died ?
The great communist experiment that started in 1917 after the Bolshevist revolution in Russia ultimately failed with the faill of the Soviet Union. In this article we look at the events that surrounded his death in 1924.
Pivotal Moments : March 8 1265 – The First English Parliament
There are key moments in history when on the decisions and actions of men the course of human history is changed forever. Sunday March 8th 1265 was such a day when the actions of the nobleman Simon de Montfort still reverberate down the centuries to us today, for on that day the first ever English Parliament sat.
Otto von Bismarck – The Iron Chancellor
On the 1st of April 1815 a little boy was born in Kniephof, Prussia, a little boy destined to be known by history as “The Iron Chancellor”. A man around whom history would pivot, a man who would be the subject of many historical “What Ifs” with regard to his demise at the hands of the unstable “Kaiser Bill” and the path to World War I.
When Sark was a pawn in international politics
The history of the Channel Islands is anything but dull. Even the little island of Sark has been invaded, abandoned, sacked and liberated several times in the course of its’ history. However none has been more intriguing than the 16th century tale involving the French, a Holy Roman Emperor, the Governor of Guernsey and a Flemmish pirate no less!
In Politics Why Does Left Mean Liberal and Right Mean Conservative ?
We use the terms ‘Left wing’ and ‘Right wing’ in politics without really thinking about it. It’s a pretty odd thing to say. So how did these expressions come about ?
How Does the US Presidential Electoral System Work ?
Hanging Chads, Electoral Collages, Primaries … the US electoral system can seem a bit confusing to Europeans. In this article we look at how the U.S. Presidential electoral system works.