The Science of Aging – Why do we age at all ?
While many search for the elusive Fountain of Youth, you might be wondering, Why do we age in the first place? What is it about our bodies or cells, biologically, that causes us to grow old?
One Giant Leap for Mankind : The Evolution of our ability to Speak
If there’s one thing that has helped propel out species forward it must surely be the ability to speak. This relative revolution in evolutionary terms has allowed us to collaborate, co-ordinate, innovate, share ideas and express abstract concepts. But how did this come about ?
Why Do Humans Have Finger & Toenails?
A fingernail is produced by living skin cells in the finger. Fingernails and toenails are almost exclusively a feature of humans and primates. But why do we have them at all ?
How Did Different Human Skin Colours Come About ?
Skin colour is the result from the presence of a pigment called melanin, located in the epidermis, or outer skin layer, and produced by cells called melanocytes. But why would there be such a variety in Human Skin Colour ?
Why Were Some Dinosaurs so Large ?
From the fossil evidence, it’s clear that, species by species, individual by individual, dinosaurs were more massive than any other group of animals that has ever lived on land. It’s as if today’s laws of physics didn’t apply back then allowing them to grow to such a gigantic size. So what could possibly explain this ?
Surprising Science : Would You Adam & Eve it … They DID exist!
Reality is sometimes stranger than we’d ever credit. Believe it or not but Scientists are actually saying that they can prove that Adam & Eve, that is a single set of ancestors, are parents to us all!
Why Are Eggs Egg Shaped ?
Another one of those random questions that seem to come out of nowhere as it flits across our minds – Why Exactly are Eggs egg Shaped ?
Why is it that Humans Can Speak?
Of all the things that define us as humans there is surely one remarkable thing that marks us out from other life on earth – language and the ability to communicate via speech. But what is it in our genes that allows us to do this?
Could Huge Dinosaurs Really Sustain Themselves on a Veggie Diet?
On the face of it there seems little hope of working out precisely how a 75ft long, 50 ton Brachiosaur fed itself. However it is possible to make a few guesstimates, by assuming the present laws of physics and chemistry applied 65 million years ago.
Out of Africa : Did an Exploding Star Alter Human Evolution
A team of German scientists examining material from the seabed beneath the Pacific Ocean believe that they may have uncovered explosive evidence of an event that altered the evolution of humankind.
Which Came First – The Chicken or the Egg ?
Okay as questions go this is a ‘doozy’ – as our American cousins would say. It’s a question that has perplexed humanity from as early as the ancient Greeks all the way to us in the 21st century, and we’re still dying to know : Which came first-the chicken or the egg ?
Why do we sometimes get a tune stuck in our heads ?
Why is it that we sometimes get a tune or chorus stuck in our heads and play it over and over again even though it’s driving us crazy?
This is one of those questions that one wonders if there really could be an answer or is it ‘just one of those things’. Well some neuroscientists, pyschologists and evene marketers have something to say on this subject.
Why do men have nipples?
Why do men have nipples? – In a Nutshell : Men have nipples because women do.
Why Can’t We Photosynthesise?
It would be handy wouldn’t it – photosynthesising all our food rather than having to stop to eat three times a day – so why can’t we do it ?