Ice Age Guernsey – What was it Like ?
Guernsey and the other Channel Islands have not always been islands. In fact Guernsey has been an island and not an island several times over the millennia with the waxing and waning of various ice ages. But what was it like ?
Hard Science : The Relative Hardness of Being
Here’s a rather random, but nevertheless interesting, science fact : Did you know that there’s a Scientific scale of hardness ? And when you see it you’ll find that its surprisingly simple – no equations, no calculus and no test tubes involved at all.
Why Does the Wind Blow?
Another thing that we take for granted because, “that just the way it works”, but how and why does the wind blow ?
How Will Continental Drift Affect Future Maps of the Earth?
This is something to warm the heart of every Brexiteer, because Britain will NEVER in a million years (or even 250 of them) ever be a part of continental Europe … so read on
Want to Study Volcanoes – Then look at art work
Vulcanologists have always found it difficult to find sources of evidence to examine to trace the history of volcanic eruptions on Earth and their effect on the climate. However scientists have recently hit upon a rather unusual new source – by studying paintings.
Can Animals Really Sense an Impending Earthquake?
There’s no real hard proof that animals can detect earthquakes or other seismic events. HOWEVER there is enough other evidence to warrant a serious discussion and debate on the issue. We look here at some intriguing observations and some basic research that has been done.
The Clock inside the Rock – How do they date ancient rock ?
Geologist often trot out some incredible facts without a second thought – “This rock is 4.4 billion years old…” said geologist Simon Wilde in 2001 as he introduced the oldest known piece of the Earth, but how did he know?
Is the Earth’s magnetic field about to flip?
Is the Earth’s magnetic field about to flip? – As it says on the cover of venerable “Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy … “DON’T PANIC” (yet). But here’s a curious thing : The strength of the Earth’s magnetic field has decreased by 10% over the last 150 years.
How long has Antarctica been frozen over ?
Almost a century ago, the expeditions of both Robert Scott and Ernest Shackleton found evidence, in the form of fossil ferns and coal, that Antartica has not always been a frozen wilderness. So what is it’s history ?
Why is the sea salty?
A litre of seawater contains about 7 teaspoons of salt – that’s about 35g. But how did it get so salty ?
Why is the Earth’s Core Still Hot ?
We know that the Earth’s core is hot, but not how hot. Actually, even geologists don’t know exactly what the temperature is, either, but they know it is almost as hot as the sun. Now that’s hot ! In this article we look at what’s going on down there and why it’s so hot.
Why doesn’t the Earth’s magnetic north pole lie at the North Pole ?
If the fact that all magnetic compasses don’t actually point to the geographical North Pole comes as a shock to you then what we discuss below will blow your socks off, because magnetic north actually moves year by year AND the poles have even flipped in the past; North is South & South is North!
Will the Earth ever stop spinning?
So here’s a question you might idly contemplate as you lie back one summers evening gazing into star bright night sky watching as the planets, the moon and the stars idly move on by, “Will the Earth ever stop spinning ?”
Where did all the water in the world’s oceans originally come from?
When you look at pictures of our beautiful plant you can’t help but notice the startling blue of the world’s oceans. They occupy two-thirds of the planets surface but how did they get there ?