What Makes us Right-Handed or Left-Handed?

What Makes us Right-Handed or Left-Handed?

In a Nutshell – Researchers say it is in the genes.

It’s the same reason some people are brown-eyed and some are blue-eyed. The Human Genome Project tends to support the theory that a single gene is responsible for handedness

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How Do We Acquire our Own Unique Taste for Foods & Why do they Change Over Time ?

How Do We Acquire our Own Unique Taste for Foods & Why do they Change Over Time ?

Did you know that your sense of smell and taste are connected? Also, as you get older, these senses can change ?

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What Does it Mean to be “double-jointed” ?

What Does it Mean to be “double-jointed” ?

Should you discover that you have the ability to bend the upper half of your thumb until it makes a right-angle you might feel rather chuffed with yourself as you can then describe yourself as “double jointed” – surely that means you have two joints where most people have one ? NO, unfortunately not!

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Why is it that Humans Can Speak?

Why is it that Humans Can Speak?

Of all the things that define us as humans there is surely one remarkable thing that marks us out from other life on earth – language and the ability to communicate via speech. But what is it in our genes that allows us to do this?

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Which Came First – The Chicken or the Egg ?

Which Came First – The Chicken or the Egg ?

Okay as questions go this is a ‘doozy’ – as our American cousins would say. It’s a question that has perplexed humanity from as early as the ancient Greeks all the way to us in the 21st century, and we’re still dying to know : Which came first-the chicken or the egg ?

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Do Identical Twins have Identical Fingerprints ?

Do Identical Twins have Identical Fingerprints ?

Identical twins come from the same sperm and egg – and thus have the same DNA – ie EXACT identical genetic makeup. So do they therefore have the same fingerprints? Or to put it another way would twins force Hercule Poirot’s “little grey cells” into overdrive in a murder investigation ?

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Is it possible to clone a Dinosaur like in Jurassic Park ?

Is it possible to clone a Dinosaur like in Jurassic Park ?

The film “Jurassic Park” introduced a very interesting concept regarding the possibility of cloning a long dead species from preserved DNA – in this case dinosaurs. Sounds plausible – but is it ?

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Why do men go bald?

Why do men go bald?

There are 193 species of monkeys and apes in the world today, but only one of them is hairless: us ! The average person has around 100,000 hairs on his or her head, so why do some men go bald ?

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Why do we get old?

Why do we get old?

Why do we get old ? Some animals can seem to live forever 200, 300 even 400 years. Various theories in biology have been put forward regarding ageing. We look at some of them in this article.

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What Colour are Carrots ?

What Colour are Carrots ?

What colour are carrots ? … is this a joke? … orange of course ,even the pigment that gives it it’s orange colour is called beta-carotene. Hmmm you might not be so sure after you read this article.

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The Origins of the Modern Moggie

The Origins of the Modern Moggie

It may surprise you to know that the origin of the modern moggie, one of the mysteries of veterinary science, has only very recently been solved by researchers.

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The Jersey Cow

The Jersey Cow

The Jersey breed originates from the Island of Jersey in the Channel Islands. Today, outstanding herds of Jerseys can be found from Denmark to New Zealand, from Canada to South America, and from South Africa to Japan.

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Are We Still Evolving ?

Are We Still Evolving ?

Have our technological, biological and medical advancements to date put us out of reach of evolutions effects, or at least reduced their impact ? In this article we consider just a few of some of the ideas floating around at the moment.

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The Guernsey Cow

The Guernsey Cow

A product of her Island home,the Guernsey has been developed over many centuries to become one of the world’s leading specialist dairy breeds.

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