Your Brain is Amazing but Who Are You? What is Your Reality? How do You Decide?
You’re human brain is nothing short of amazing! Made up of billions of neurons that communicate in trillions of connections it’s one of the most complex and fascinating organs in your body.
In this article we look at some of the amazing and awesome aspects of the brain – effectively asking some deep questions – Who Am I, What is Reality, How do I Decide?
Inside the Mind : Not Everyone Has An Internal Monologue!
I remember asking a friend once about how he thought about things. I’d asked if he heard his own voice in his head when he thought about things or when reading. He looked at me blankly and said “Err I don’t hear anything”. So do we all have an inner monologue if not how do some people think ?
Wacky-pedia : Weird Questions, that you never even asked, Answered – Can Psychologists Assess Your Personality From How you Dip Your Fries ?
In this article we present you with some wacky facts as well as answering some of the more weird questions – questions that you never even knew you should’ve asked!
Can Psychologists Assess Your Personality From How you Dip Your Fries ?
When an animal looks in a mirror, does it realise that it is looking at itself?
When an animal looks in a mirror, does it realise that it is looking at itself? – this is really a question of self-awareness. So if any animals, apart from ourselves, do actually know this we then have to ask – Which, if any, animals successfully make this connection?
How Do We Acquire our Own Unique Taste for Foods & Why do they Change Over Time ?
Did you know that your sense of smell and taste are connected? Also, as you get older, these senses can change ?
Why When You Walk Into a Room You Often Forget What You Went in For ?
We’ve all experienced it: The frustration of entering a room and forgetting what we were going to do. Or get. Or find. But why should that happen ?
Are Copper or Magnetic Bracelets Effective Against Disorders like Arthritis?
This is one of those perennial questions : Are Copper or Magnetic Bracelets Effective Against Disorders like Arthritis?
Aroma Chemistry : What Causes the Smell of Old & New Books?
Are you a Bibliophile, someone who loves books? If you are you’ll know the joy of buying, collecting, owning, (smelling?), touching and of course reading these textual marvels. As a bibliophime, is one of your favourite pecadillos the scent of a new book or the musky thrill of an old books smell? In this article we look at the chemistry behind that guilty little pleasure otherwise known as Bibliosmia.
Urban Myth or Science Fact : Is it true that we typically only use 10% of our brain ?
Urban Myth or Science Fact : Is it true that we typically only use 10% of our brain ?
Blue Monday – Urban Myth or Science Fact ?
Blue Monday is the name given to the day in January, typically the 3rd Monday of the month, that it is claimed is the most depressing day of the year. So is this a real thing or not … Urban Myth or Science Fact?
Scratchy Problems – What is Itching all about ?
Insects, scabs, rashes, and even dust can all create the insatiable desire to scratch! Even conditions such as depression or obsessive-compulsive disorder can create this same sensation. Scratching your own body is rather an odd thing to do, so why exactly do we itch?
Good News for Bibliophiles – Reading is Good for You Physically as well as Mentally!
At last, Science has confirmed what every bibliophile has always suspected … READING IS GOOD FOR YOU !
Why do we Lie – The Science behind Lying
White lies, exaggerations, boldface lies, half-truths, lies by omission, bluffs – there are a multitude of ways to intentionally deceive someone and the human race seem sto be inventing new ones daily. But can we scientifically detect when a person is lying ?
Extra Senses – Beyond the ‘traditional five’
There’s one popular misteaching that seems to pervade : it’s our understanding of ‘the senses’ – and that is that there are only 5 of them. However if you really think about this subject a bit, its pretty obvious and quickly apparent that we have many more ways to sense the world
Swearing – The Science Behind Why We Do it
Why the #*&! do we swear? We all let one slip occasionally-or maybe you express your expletives loud and proud. But does swearing serve any biological purpose, or is it simply a cultural taboo?