Elemental Questions : What is Fire Made of ?
Fire – one of the most primitive and yet intriguing of the ‘fundamental elements in our world. Indeed one of the things that differentiates mankind from the rest of the animal kingdom is his ability to make and control fire. but : What is fire made of ? What is its atomic structure? What causes things to burst into flame in the first place and why can’t all materials be made to produce flame ?
How do Caterpillars turn into Butterflies ?
As children, many of us learn about the wondrous process by which a caterpillar morphs into a butterfly. The story usually begins with a very hungry caterpillar hatching from an egg. But what does that radical transformation entail?
The Rhythms of Life – Our Body Clock
The human body is a pretty remarkable thing to the point that it actually has several different types of internal clocks that helps to keep us ‘ticking along’ for both the daily and seasonal rhythms of life.
Is there any Evolutionary Reason why we Die ?
According to the theory of evolution shouldn’t the strongest organism live forever ? …. No. But the ‘answer’ as it stands is rather mind-bending
Does anyone know what atoms and molecules actually look like?
That matter is composed of atoms we take for granted … but can we hope to unravel what they actually look like ?
Why do things burn?
Burning, technically known as combustion, is a chemical reaction where a substance combines with oxygen and releases energy in the form of heat and light, which we see as flames. The substance starts off in a higher energy state, and by combining with oxygen ends up in a lower energy state.
How do birds know when to migrate?
In the springtime we see migratory birds returning to us whilst in the Autumn we bid them farewell as they head for warmer southern climes. But how do they know when to leave our shores ? – and why do they bother to return again ?
Who ‘discovered’ the Atom ?
The simplest of experiences can hatch eureka moments. Legend has it that despite all his inherited wealth and global travels, the ancient Greek philosopher Democritus hit upon one of the most fundamental of ideas in physics while sitting in the comfort of his own home.
What Causes the Pull of Gravity ?
One of the most common and baffling science questions is “how does gravity work?”. If you too find yourself confused then rest assured you’re in good company … even Sir Isaac Newton admitted he was baffled by gravity. In this article we look at Einsteins solution to this conundrum.
What is smashed in an Atom-Smasher (or particle accelerator) ?
The popular image of an atom-smasher – or particle accelerator – is of a device that somehow smashes atoms together with such high energy that they break apart and we can see what’s inside them – but is this true ? What goes on in these mysterious machines ?
Why Do Leaves Turn Different Colours?
The Autumn display of colours when trees begin to lose their leaves is a pretty spectacular thing. But why and how does it occur?
Why do tides ebb and flow?
In a nutshell … tides are caused by the gravitational attraction between the moon and the Earth. In this article we look at how.
Dropping in on the Big Bang
In the days of analogue TV you turned into a channel through various UHF frequencies. If you stopped tuning before you found a channel, you’d see a screen full of ‘snow’ – white dots . Some of that ‘snow’ is a sign of the Big Bang , although nobody was aware of its significance until the 1960s.
What is the Gaia hypothesis?
You may have heard of the name ‘Gaia’ as the personification of the Earth, or mother Earth. But in this article we look at a serious hypothesis that relates to mother Earth as if she ‘acts’ as part of a global system.
The Clock inside the Rock – How do they date ancient rock ?
Geologist often trot out some incredible facts without a second thought – “This rock is 4.4 billion years old…” said geologist Simon Wilde in 2001 as he introduced the oldest known piece of the Earth, but how did he know?